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13 lutego 2022

Amazon seller registration for VAT in Poland

Polish tax regulations allow for registration for the purposes of value added tax in Poland also in the case of foreign entities. Eg ecomerce sellers: Amazon, eBay. What documents are necessary for such registration?


  • VAT-R registration form – Main registration form for company details and info and starting date of registration;
  • NIP-2 registration form – General tax Identification form for being active VAT taxpayer;
  • Cover letter consisting of a description of the Company's activities in the territory of Poland (in particular, indicate in the description if The Company has any substance in Poland, related to taxable activities - personnel, offices, any equipment, etc);
  • Copy and a sworn translation of the Company's Articles of Association;
  • Copy and sworn translation of an excerpt from the National Court Register (or the Office of Economic Activity) – one of the official documents must stipulate the person/persons entitled to represent the Company and sign the registration documents;
  • UPL-1 form – electronic proxy for submitting VAT returns and SAF files.
Registration time from the moment of collecting all documents - up to 2 weeks.
After collecting all the necessary documents, they should be submitted in person or sent by post to the Head of the Second Tax Office Warszawa - Śródmieście competent for VAT registration of foreign entities.
  1. https://www.biznes.gov.pl/pl/firma/podatki-i-ksiegowosc/chce-rozliczac-vat/proc_1609-rejestracja-vat
  2. https://www.amazon.com/
  3. https://www.ebay.pl/


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